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Doing Your Research

Checking out different careers before jumping into a job is like doing some smart groundwork for your future success. It's like peeking behind the curtain to see what really fits you before you make any commitments. By doing a bit of career research, you figure out what jobs vibe with your skills and interests. Plus, it helps you stay ahead of the game by knowing what's hot and where things are headed in the job world. So, it's not just about finding a job; it's about making savvy choices that set you up for a career that's both satisfying and successful.

Visit the websites below to research career profiles and labour market forecasts that can help you make informed decisions and set realistic and achievable education or career goals.

typewriter and paper that reads Be Curious!

Occupational Research Resources

WorkBC: Explore Careers - tools and resources to help guide the journey to employment

WorkBC: BC's Industries and Sectors - check out what industries are growing or declining and see how things are looking until 2031

WorkBC Career Trek - check out this site full of short video clips on tons of careers

National Occupational Classification - also known as NOC Codes

Alberta LMI and Occupational Profiles (ALIS) 

O*Net - US website with an excellent collection of tools for the savvy career researcher